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The Institute for Information Sciences

Creating and disseminating fundamental knowledge and new technologies

The mission of I2S is to sustain and grow national leadership in the creation, dissemination, and commercialization of new technologies in computer systems, communication systems, and radar systems.

I2S Stats

+$21 mil

I2S and KU Research Rising

  • I2S Director Perry Alexander speaks about Securing Our Worlds: Physical, Digital, and Social, an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems related cybersecurity.


Civility Conference Graphic

Philosophy Department and the Center for Cyber-Social Dynamics Co-Host Conference on Civility in Politics

KU's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Center for Cyber-Social Dynamics, along with Monash University via the Research Talent Accelerator Fellowship program, are teaming up to host an in-person conference on KU's campus this summer, bringing together a group of both international and US-based university faculty for several days of discussions centered on the state of civility in contemporary politics.
CCSD Advancing Fairness in Machine Learning Workshop

KU’s Center for Cyber-Social Dynamics Invites Participants for Spring Workshop on Advancing Fairness in Machine Learning

The Center for Cyber-Social Dynamics (CCSD), part of KU’s Institute of Information Sciences (I2S), studies the interaction between internet technology and society. The research organization brings together expertise from the humanities and social sciences to collaborate on work with computer engineers and technology developers. ...

Radar systems watching the sky

Researchers at KU’s Radar Systems Laboratory Honored with Multiple Prestigious Awards and Recognitions

The Radar Systems Laboratory (RSL), one of six centers of research at KU’s Institute for Information Sciences (I2S), received a flurry of awards for the recent work of faculty and current and former students involving multiple radar-related research initiatives. Faculty members Shannon Blunt and Patrick McCormick were recognized for career contributions in the field and one current and one former student received honors for research papers.
Patrick McCormick

KU EECS Assistant Professor Receives International Recognition for Research in Radar Engineering

Patrick McCormick, assistant professor in electrical engineering and computer science (EECS), was announced the recipient of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society’s (AESS) Fred Nathanson Memorial “Young Radar Engineer” Award for “advancements in waveform design and algorithms for radar and communications spectrum sharing.”

I2S Events

Recent Awards

National Science Foundation Career Development (CAREER) awards - Alian

Mohammad Alian

National Science Foundation

RSL First Alternate - 2023 IEEE Radar Conference

Jon Owen, Christian Jones

2023 IEEE Radar Conference

RSL Top 5 Finalist - IEEE Radar Conference

Bahozhoni White, Matthew Heintzelman

2023 IEEE Radar Conference

RSL Second Place - IEEE Radar Conference

Thomas Kramer, Erik Biehl, Matthew Heintzelman

2023 IEEE Radar Conference

Honeywell Grant

Perry Alexander

Circuit board

I2S Projects

I2S is a place of innovation. Checkout the many projects and research being performed by I2S.

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