I2S Masters/ Doctoral Theses

All students and faculty are welcome to attend the final defense of I2S graduate students completing their M.S. or Ph.D. degrees. Defense notices for M.S./Ph.D. presentations for this year and several previous years are listed below in reverse chronological order.

Students who are nearing the completion of their M.S./Ph.D. research should schedule their final defenses through the EECS graduate office at least THREE WEEKS PRIOR to their presentation date so that there is time to complete the degree requirements check, and post the presentation announcement online.

Upcoming Defense Notices

Daniel Herr

Information Theoretic Waveform Design with Application to Physically Realizable Adaptive-on-Transmit Radar

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 129 (Ron Evans Apollo Auditorium)

Degree Type:

PhD Dissertation Defense

Committee Members:

James Stiles, Chair
Christopher Allen
Shannon Blunt
Carl Leuschen
Chris Depcik


The fundamental task of a radar system is to utilize the electromagnetic spectrum to sense a scattering environment and generate some estimate from this measurement. This task can be posed as a Bayesian estimation problem of random parameters (the scattering environment) through an imperfect sensor (the radar system). From this viewpoint, metrics such as error covariance and estimator precision (or information) can be leveraged to evaluate and improve the performance of radar systems. Here, physically realizable radar waveforms are designed to maximize the Fisher information (FI) (specifically, a derivative of FI known as marginal Fisher information (MFI)) extracted from a scattering environment thereby minimizing the expected error covariance about an estimation parameter space. This information theoretic framework, along with the high-degree of design flexibility afforded by fully digital transmitter and receiver architectures, creates a high-dimensionality design space for optimizing radar performance.

First, the problem of joint-domain range-Doppler estimation utilizing a pulse-agile radar is posed from an estimation theoretic framework, and the minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator is shown to suppress the range-sidelobe modulation (RSM) induced by pulse agility which may improve the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in signal-limited scenarios. A computationally efficient implementation of the range-Doppler MMSE estimator is developed as a series of range-profile estimation problems, under specific modeling and statistical assumptions. Next, a transformation of the estimation parameterization is introduced which ameliorates the high noise-gain typically associated with traditional MMSE estimation by sacrificing the super-resolution achieved by the MMSE estimator. Then, coordinate descent and gradient descent optimization methods are developed for designing MFI optimal waveforms with respect to either the original or transformed estimation space. These MFI optimal waveforms are extended to provide pulse-agility, which produces high-dimensionality radar emissions amenable to non-traditional receive processing techniques (such as MMSE estimation). Finally, informationally optimal waveform design and optimal estimation are extended into a cognitive radar concept capable of adaptive and dynamic sensing. The efficacy of the MFI waveform design and MMSE estimation are demonstrated via open-air hardware experimentation where their performance is compared against traditional techniques.

Matthew Heintzelman

Spatially Diverse Radar Techniques - Emission Optimization and Enhanced Receive Processing

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 129 (Ron Evans Apollo Auditorium)

Degree Type:

PhD Dissertation Defense

Committee Members:

Shannon Blunt, Chair
Christopher Allen
Patrick McCormick
James Stiles
Zsolt Talata


Radar systems perform 3 basic tasks: search/detection, tracking, and imaging. Traditionally, varied operational and hardware requirements have compartmentalized these functions to distinct and specialized radars, which may communicate actionable information between them. Expedited by the growth in computational capabilities modeled by Moore’s law, next-generation radars will be sophisticated, multi-function systems comprising generalized and reprogrammable subsystems. The advance of fully Digital Array Radars (DAR) has enabled the implementation of highly directive phased arrays that can scan, detect, and track scatterers through a volume-of-interest. Conversely, DAR technology has also enabled Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar methodologies that seek to illuminate all space on transmit, while forming separate but simultaneous, directive beams on receive.

Waveform diversity has been repeatedly proven to enhance radar operation through added Degrees-of-Freedom (DoF) that can be leveraged to expand dynamic range, provide ambiguity resolution, and improve parameter estimation.  In particular, diversity among the DAR’s transmitting elements provides flexibility to the emission, allowing simultaneous multi-function capability. By precise design of the emission, the DAR can utilize the operationally-continuous trade-space between a fully coherent phased array and a fully incoherent MIMO system. This flexibility could enable the optimal management of the radar’s resources, where Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) would be traded for robustness in detection, measurement capability, and tracking.

Waveform diversity is herein leveraged as the predominant enabling technology for multi-function radar emission design. Three methods of emission optimization are considered to design distinct beams in space and frequency, according to classical error minimization techniques. First, a gradient-based optimization of the Space-Frequency Template Error (SFTE) is applied to a high-fidelity model for a wideband array’s far-field emission. Second, a more efficient optimization is considered, based on the SFTE for narrowband arrays. Finally, a suboptimal solution, based on alternating projections, is shown to provide rapidly reconfigurable transmit patterns. To improve the dynamic range observed for MIMO radars employing pulse-agile quasi-orthogonal waveforms, a pulse-compression model is derived that manages to suppress both autocorrelation sidelobes and multi-transmitter-induced cross-correlation. The proposed waveforms and filters are implemented in hardware to demonstrate performance, validate robustness, and reflect real-world application to the degree possible with laboratory experimentation.

Past Defense Notices


Anjana Lamsal

Self-homodyne Coherent Lidar System for Range and Velocity Detection

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 246 (Executive Conference Room)

Degree Type:

MS Project Defense

Committee Members:

Rongqing Hui, Chair
Alessandro Salandrino
James Stiles


Lidar systems are gaining popularity due to their benefits, including high resolution, precise accuracy and scalability. An FMCW lidar based on self-homodyne coherent detection technique is used for range and velocity measurement with a phase diverse coherent receiver. The system employs a self-homodyne detection technique, where a LO signal is derived directly from the same laser source as the transmitted signal and is the same linear chirp as the transmitted signal, thereby minimizing phase noise. A coherent receiver is employed to get in-phase and quadrature components of the photocurrent and to perform de-chirping. Since the LO has the same chirp as the transmitted signal, the mixing process in the photodiodes effectively cancels out the chirp or frequency modulation from the received signal. The spectrum of the de-chirped complex waveform is used to determine the range and velocity of the target. This lidar system simplifies the signal processing by using photodetectors for de-chirping. Additionally, after de-chirping, the resulting signal has a much narrower bandwidth compared to the original chirp signal and signal processing can be performed at lower frequencies.

Michael Neises

VERIAL: Verification-Enabled Runtime Integrity Attestation of Linux

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 246 (Executive Conference Room)

Degree Type:

PhD Dissertation Defense

Committee Members:

Perry Alexander, Chair
Drew Davidson
Cuncong Zhong
Matthew Moore
Michael Murray


Runtime attestation is a way to gain confidence in the current state of a remote target.

Layered attestation is a way of extending that confidence from one component to another.

Introspective solutions for layered attestation require strict isolation.

The seL4 is uniquely well-suited to offer kernel properties sufficient to achieve such isolation.

I design, implement, and evaluate introspective measurements and the layered runtime attestation of a Linux kernel hosted by the seL4.

VERIAL can detect diamorphine-style rootkits with performance cost comparable to previous work.


Durga Venkata Suraj Tedla


When & Where:

Zoom (https://kansas.zoom.us/j/84997733219) Meeting ID: 849 9773 3219 Passcode: 980685

Degree Type:

MS Project Defense

Committee Members:

David Johnson, Chair
Prasad Kulkarni
Jennifer Lohoefener


The artificially intelligent Dietician Web application is an innovative piece of technology that makes use of artificial intelligence to offer individualised nutritional guidance and assistance. This web application uses advanced machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to provide users with individualized nutritional advice and assistance in meal planning. Users who are interested in improving their eating habits can benefit from this bot. The system collects relevant data about users' dietary choices, as well as information about calories, and provides insights into body mass index (BMI) and basal metabolic rate (BMR) through interactive conversations, resulting in tailored recommendations. To enhance its capacity for prediction, a number of classification methods, including naive Bayes, neural networks, random forests, and support vector machines, were utilised and evaluated. Following an exhaustive analysis, the model that proved to be the most effective random forest is selected for the purpose of incorporating it into the development of the artificial intelligence Dietician Web application. The purpose of this study is to emphasise the significance of the artificial intelligence Dietician Web application as a versatile and intelligent instrument that encourages the adoption of healthy eating habits and empowers users to make intelligent decisions regarding their dietary requirements.

Zeyan Li

On the Security of Modern AI: Backdoors, Robustness, and Detectability

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 246 (Executive Conference Room)

Degree Type:

PhD Dissertation Defense

Committee Members:

Bo Luo, Chair
Alex Bardas
Fengjun Li
Zijun Yao
John Symons


The rapid development of AI has significantly impacted security and privacy, introducing both new cyber-attacks targeting AI models and challenges related to responsible use. As AI models become more widely adopted in real-world applications, attackers exploit adversarially altered samples to manipulate their behaviors and decisions. Simultaneously, the use of generative AI, like ChatGPT, has sparked debates about the integrity of AI-generated content.

In this dissertation, we investigate the security of modern AI systems and the detectability of AI-related threats, focusing on stealthy AI attacks and responsible AI use in academia. First, we reevaluate the stealthiness of 20 state-of-the-art attacks on six benchmark datasets, using 24 image quality metrics and over 30,000 user annotations. Our findings reveal that most attacks introduce noticeable perturbations, failing to remain stealthy. Motivated by this, we propose a novel model-poisoning neural Trojan, LoneNeuron, which minimally modifies the host neural network by adding a single neuron after the first convolution layer. LoneNeuron responds to feature-domain patterns that transform into invisible, sample-specific, and polymorphic pixel-domain watermarks, achieving a 100% attack success rate without compromising main task performance and enhancing stealth and detection resistance. Additionally, we examine the detectability of ChatGPT-generated content in academic writing. Presenting GPABench2, a dataset of over 2.8 million abstracts across various disciplines, we assess existing detection tools and challenges faced by over 240 evaluators. We also develop CheckGPT, a detection framework consisting of an attentive Bi-LSTM and a representation module, to capture subtle semantic and linguistic patterns in ChatGPT-generated text. Extensive experiments validate CheckGPT’s high applicability, transferability, and robustness.

Abishek Doodgaon

Photorealistic Synthetic Data Generation for Deep Learning-based Structural Health Monitoring of Concrete Dams

When & Where:

LEEP2, Room 1415A

Degree Type:

MS Thesis Defense

Committee Members:

Zijun Yao, Chair
Caroline Bennett
Prasad Kulkarni
Remy Lequesne


Regular inspections are crucial for identifying and assessing damage in concrete dams, including a wide range of damage states. Manual inspections of dams are often constrained by cost, time, safety, and inaccessibility. Automating dam inspections using artificial intelligence has the potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of data analysis. Computer vision and deep learning models have proven effective in detecting a variety of damage features using images, but their success relies on the availability of high-quality and diverse training data. This is because supervised learning, a common machine-learning approach for classification problems, uses labeled examples, in which each training data point includes features (damage images) and a corresponding label (pixel annotation). Unfortunately, public datasets of annotated images of concrete dam surfaces are scarce and inconsistent in quality, quantity, and representation.

To address this challenge, we present a novel approach that involves synthesizing a realistic environment using a 3D model of a dam. By overlaying this model with synthetically created photorealistic damage textures, we can render images to generate large and realistic datasets with high-fidelity annotations. Our pipeline uses NX and Blender for 3D model generation and assembly, Substance 3D Designer and Substance Automation Toolkit for texture synthesis and automation, and Unreal Engine 5 for creating a realistic environment and rendering images. This generated synthetic data is then used to train deep learning models in the subsequent steps. The proposed approach offers several advantages. First, it allows generation of large quantities of data that are essential for training accurate deep learning models. Second, the texture synthesis ensures generation of high-fidelity ground truths (annotations) that are crucial for making accurate detections. Lastly, the automation capabilities of the software applications used in this process provides flexibility to generate data with varied textures elements, colors, lighting conditions, and image quality overcoming the constraints of time. Thus, the proposed approach can improve the automation of dam inspection by improving the quality and quantity of training data.

Sana Awan

Towards Robust and Privacy-preserving Federated Learning

When & Where:

Zoom (ID: 935 5019 8870 Passcode: 323434)

Degree Type:

PhD Dissertation Defense

Committee Members:

Fengjun Li, Chair
Alex Bardas
Cuncong Zhong
Mei Liu
Haiyang Chao


Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized various fields, from disease prediction to credit risk evaluation, by harnessing abundant data scattered across diverse sources. However, transporting data to a trusted server for centralized ML model training is not only costly but also raises privacy concerns, particularly with legislative standards like HIPAA in place. In response to these challenges, Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising solution. FL involves training a collaborative model across a network of clients, each retaining its own private data. By conducting training locally on the participating clients, this approach eliminates the need to transfer entire training datasets while harnessing their computation capabilities. However, FL introduces unique privacy risks, security concerns, and robustness challenges. Firstly, FL is susceptible to malicious actors who may tamper with local data, manipulate the local training process, or intercept the shared model or gradients to implant backdoors that affect the robustness of the joint model. Secondly, due to the statistical and system heterogeneity within FL, substantial differences exist between the distribution of each local dataset and the global distribution, causing clients’ local objectives to deviate greatly from the global optima, resulting in a drift in local updates. Addressing such vulnerabilities and challenges is crucial before deploying FL systems in critical infrastructures.

In this dissertation, we present a multi-pronged approach to address the privacy, security, and robustness challenges in FL. This involves designing innovative privacy protection mechanisms and robust aggregation schemes to counter attacks during the training process. To address the privacy risk due to model or gradient interception, we present the design of a reliable and accountable blockchain-enabled privacy-preserving federated learning (PPFL) framework which leverages homomorphic encryption to protect individual client updates. The blockchain is adopted to support provenance of model updates during training so that malformed or malicious updates can be identified and traced back to the source. 

We studied the challenges in FL due to heterogeneous data distributions and found that existing FL algorithms often suffer from slow and unstable convergence and are vulnerable to poisoning attacks, particularly in extreme non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) settings. We propose a robust aggregation scheme, named CONTRA, to mitigate data poisoning attacks and ensure an accuracy guarantee even under attack. This defense strategy identifies malicious clients by evaluating the cosine similarity of their gradient contributions and subsequently removes them from FL training. Finally, we introduce FL-GMM, an algorithm designed to tackle data heterogeneity while prioritizing privacy. It iteratively constructs a personalized classifier for each client while aligning local-global feature representations. By aligning local distributions with global semantic information, FL-GMM minimizes the impact of data diversity. Moreover, FL-GMM enhances security by transmitting derived model parameters via secure multiparty computation, thereby avoiding vulnerabilities to reconstruction attacks observed in other approaches. 

Arin Dutta

Performance Analysis of Distributed Raman Amplification with Dual-Order Forward Pumping

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 250 (Gemini Room)

Degree Type:

PhD Comprehensive Defense

Committee Members:

Rongqing Hui, Chair
Christopher Allen
Morteza Hashemi
Alessandro Saladrino
Hui Zhao


As internet services like high-definition videos, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence keep growing, optical networks need to keep up with the demand for more capacity. Optical amplifiers play a crucial role in offsetting fiber loss and enabling long-distance wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission in high-capacity systems. Various methods have been proposed to enhance the capacity and reach of fiber communication systems, including advanced modulation formats, dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) over ultra-wide bands, space-division multiplexing, and high-performance digital signal processing (DSP) technologies. To sustain higher data rates while maximizing the spectral efficiency of multi-level modulated signals, a higher Optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) is necessary. Despite advancements in coherent optical communication systems, the spectral efficiency of multi-level modulated signals is ultimately constrained by fiber nonlinearity.

Raman amplification is an attractive solution for wide-band amplification with low noise figures in multi-band systems. Distributed Raman Amplification (DRA) has been deployed in recent high-capacity transmission experiments to achieve a relatively flat signal power distribution along the optical path and offers the unique advantage of using conventional low-loss silica fibers as the gain medium, effectively transforming passive optical fibers into active or amplifying waveguides. Additionally, DRA provides gain at any wavelength by selecting the appropriate pump wavelength, enabling operation in signal bands outside the Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) bands. Forward (FW) Raman pumping in DRA can be adopted to further improve the DRA performance as it is more efficient in OSNR improvement because the optical noise is generated near the beginning of the fiber span and attenuated along the fiber. Dual-order FW pumping helps to reduce the non-linear effect of the optical signal and improves OSNR by more uniformly distributing the Raman gain along the transmission span.

The major concern with Forward Distributed Raman Amplification (FW DRA) is the fluctuation in pump power, known as relative intensity noise (RIN), which transfers from the pump laser to both the intensity and phase of the transmitted optical signal as they propagate in the same direction. Additionally, another concern of FW DRA is the rise in signal optical power near the start of the fiber span, leading to an increase in the Kerr-effect-induced non-linear phase shift of the signal. These factors, including RIN transfer-induced noise and non-linear noise, contribute to the degradation of the system performance in FW DRA systems at the receiver. As the performance of DRA with backward pumping is well understood with a relatively low impact of RIN transfer, our study is focused on the FW pumping scheme.

Our research is intended to provide a comprehensive analysis of the system performance impact of dual-order FW Raman pumping, including signal intensity and phase noise induced by the RINs of both the 1st and the 2nd order pump lasers, as well as the impacts of linear and nonlinear noise. The efficiencies of pump RIN to signal intensity and phase noise transfer are theoretically analyzed and experimentally verified by applying a shallow intensity modulation to the pump laser to mimic the RIN. The results indicate that the efficiency of the 2nd order pump RIN to signal phase noise transfer can be more than 2 orders of magnitude higher than that from the 1st order pump. Then the performance of the dual-order FW Raman configurations is compared with that of single-order Raman pumping to understand the trade-offs of system parameters. The nonlinear interference (NLI) noise is analyzed to study the overall OSNR improvement when employing a 2nd order Raman pump.

Finally, a DWDM system with 16-QAM modulation is used as an example to investigate the benefit of DRA with dual order Raman pumping and with different pump RIN levels. We also consider a DRA system using a 1st order incoherent pump together with a 2nd order coherent pump. Although dual-order FW pumping corresponds to a slight increase of linear amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) compared to using only a 1st order pump, its major advantage comes from the reduction of nonlinear interference noise in a DWDM system. Because the RIN of the 2nd order pump has much higher impact than that of the 1st order pump, there should be more stringent requirement on the RIN of the 2nd order pump laser when dual order FW pumping scheme is used for DRA for efficient fiber-optic communication. Also, the result of system performance analysis reveals that higher baud rate systems, like those operating at 100Gbaud, are less affected by pump laser RIN due to the low-pass characteristics of the transfer of pump RIN to signal phase noise.

Babak Badnava

Joint Communication and Computation for Emerging Applications in Next Generation of Wireless Networks

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 246 (Executive Conference Room)

Degree Type:

PhD Comprehensive Defense

Committee Members:

Morteza Hashemi, Chair
Taejoon Kim
Prasad Kulkarni
Shawn Keshmiri


Emerging applications in next-generation wireless networks are driving the need for innovative communication and computation systems. Notable examples include augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), autonomous vehicles, and mobile edge computing, all of which demand significant computational and communication resources at the network edge. These demands place a strain on edge devices, which are often resource-constrained. In order to incorporate available communication and computation resources, while enhancing user experience, this PhD research is dedicated to developing joint communication and computation solutions for next generation wireless applications that could potentially operate in high frequencies such as millimeter wave (mmWave) bands.

In the first thrust of this study, we examine the problem of energy-constrained computation offloading to edge servers in a multi-user multi-channel wireless network. To develop a decentralized offloading policy for each user, we model the problem as a partially observable Markov decision problem (POMDP). Leveraging bandit learning methods, we introduce a decentralized task offloading solution, where edge users offload their computation tasks to a nearby edge server using a selected communication channel. The proposed framework aims to meet user's requirements, such as task completion deadline and computation throughput (i.e., the rate at which computational results are produced).

The second thrust of the study emphasizes user-driven requirements for these resource-intensive applications, specifically the Quality of Experience (QoE) in 2D and 3D video streaming. Given the unique characteristics of mmWave networks, we develop a beam alignment and buffer predictive multi-user scheduling algorithm for 2D video streaming applications. This scheduling algorithm balances the trade-off between beam alignment overhead and playback buffer levels for optimal resource allocation across users. Next, we extend our investigation and develop a joint rate adaptation and computation distribution algorithm for 3D video streaming in mmWave-based VR systems. Our proposed framework balances the trade-off between communication and computation resource allocation to enhance the users’ QoE. Our numerical results using real-world mmWave traces and 3D video dataset, show promising improvements in terms of video quality, rebuffering time, and quality variation perceived by users.

Arman Ghasemi

Task-Oriented Communication and Distributed Control in Smart Grids with Time-Series Forecasting

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 246

Degree Type:

PhD Comprehensive Defense

Committee Members:

Morteza Hashemi, Chair
Alex Bardas
Taejoon Kim
Prasad Kulkarni
Zsolt Talata


Smart grids face challenges in maintaining the balance between generation and consumption at the residential and grid scales with the integration of renewable energy resources. Decentralized, dynamic, and distributed control algorithms are necessary for smart grids to function effectively. The inherent variability and uncertainty of renewables, especially wind and solar energy, complicate the deployment of distributed control algorithms in smart grids. In addition, smart grid systems must handle real-time data collected from interconnected devices and sensors while maintaining reliable and secure communication regardless of network failures. To address these challenges, our research models the integration of renewable energy resources into the smart grid and evaluates how predictive analytics can improve distributed control and energy management, while recognizing the limitations of communication channels and networks.

In the first thrust of this research, we develop a model of a smart grid with renewable energy integration and evaluate how forecasting affects distributed control and energy management. In particular, we investigate how contextual weather information and renewable energy time-series forecasting affect smart grid energy management. In addition to modeling the smart grid system and integrating renewable energy resources, we further explore the use of deep learning methods, such as the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Transformer models, for time-series forecasting. Time-series forecasting techniques are applied within Reinforcement Learning (RL) frameworks to enhance decision-making processes.

In the second thrust, we note that data collection and sharing across the smart grids require considering the impact of network and communication channel limitations in our forecasting models. As renewable energy sources and advanced sensors are integrated into smart grids, communication channels on wireless networks are overflowed with data, requiring a shift from transmitting raw data to processing only useful information to maximize efficiency and reliability. To this end, we develop a task-oriented communication model that integrates data compression and the effects of data packet queuing with considering limitation of communication channels, within a remote time-series forecasting framework. Furthermore, we jointly integrate data compression technique with age of information metric to enhance both relevance and timeliness of data used in time-series forecasting.

Neel Patel

Near-Memory Acceleration of Compressed Far Memory

When & Where:

Nichols Hall, Room 250 (Gemini Room)

Degree Type:

MS Thesis Defense

Committee Members:

Mohammad Allan, Chair
David Johnson
Prasad Kulkarni


DRAM constitutes over 50% of server cost and 75% of the embodied carbon footprint of a server. To mitigate DRAM cost, far memory architectures have emerged. They can be separated into two broad categories: software-defined far memory (SFM) and disaggregated far memory (DFM). In this work, we compare the cost of SFM and DFM in terms of their required capital investment, operational expense, and carbon footprint. We show that, for applications whose data sets are compressible and have predictable memory access patterns, it takes several years for a DFM to break even with an equivalent capacity SFM in terms of cost and sustainability. We then introduce XFM, a near-memory accelerated SFM architecture, which exploits the coldness of data during SFM-initiated swap ins and outs. XFM leverages refresh cycles to seamlessly switch the access control of DRAM between the CPU and near-memory accelerator. XFM parallelizes near-memory accelerator accesses with row refreshes and removes the memory interference caused by SFM swap ins and outs.

We modify an open source far memory implementation to implement a full-stack, user-level XFM. Our experimental results use a combination of an FPGA implementation, simulation, and analytical modeling to show that XFM eliminates memory bandwidth utilization when performing compression and decompression operations with SFMs of capacities up to 1TB. The memory and cache utilization reductions translate to 5∼27% improvement in the combined performance of co-running applications.