High Assurance and Secure Systems Center
About the DirectorAbout HASSC:
The High Assurance and Secure Systems Center (HASSC) provides a University-wide focal point for those involved in cybersecurity research, development, and education. HASSC researchers cover a wide spectrum of security and privacy research, including system security, network security, data/information security, hardware security, and privacy. Expertise includes theoretical modeling, synthesis and verification, threat modeling and analysis, applied cryptography and blockchain, and secure system design. Expanding leading-edge cybersecurity and defense mechanisms earned KU federal National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education (CAE-CD) and Research (ACE-R) dual designations.
Center Info
- SELinux installation, virtualization environment
- SAL, PVS, and Isabelle verification tools and expertise
- Rosetta specification and analysis capabilities, computational cluster with over 1,000 processors connected to 37 TB of on-line storage, cyber defense teaching lab
- Ripple Blockchain Institute
- KU Information Security Club
- Virtualized training platform, access to major security publications through KU Libraries
HASSC Researchers
Alexandru Alex Bardas
Associate Professor, EECS
Drew Davidson
Associate Professor, EECS
Fengjun Li
Professor, EECS
Bo Luo
Professor, EECS, Director | High Assurance and Secure Systems Center