AI and the Future of Writing: A Roundtable

Markus Bohlmann
Ethics, philosophy of technology, phenomenology, and philosophy of education
Markus Bohlmann is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Muenster. He specialises in the philosophy of technology, in particular postphenomenology, the philosophy of education and the didactics of philosophy. He is the elected executive director of the Society for Philosophy and Ethics Didactics in Germany since 2020 (GPED). Bohlmann heads the Didactics Focus Group of the Digitality Research Working Group of the German Philosophical Society (DGPhil). He is a textbook author and was a philosophy teacher for almost 5 years.

Bada Kim
Rationality, epistemology, philosophy of mind and applied ethics
Bada Kim is a recently received his doctorate from the philosophy department at the University of Kansas.
His primary research interests are in epistemology and the intersections between epistemology, ethics, and decision theory. His current research focuses on ideal rationality, epistemic permissivism, epistemic supererogation, and inquiry. Bada also has a broad interest in applied ethics (moral issues in sports, medicine, and business), philosophy of gender and race, 19th-century philosophy (esp. Nietzsche), and philosophy of mind.
Twitter: @phil_badakim
Lillian King Abadal
Ethics, history of philosophy, applied ethics and medical humanities
Dr. Lily Abadal completed her doctorate under the mentorship of Thomas Williams at the University of South Florida, focusing on the history of medieval philosophy and virtue ethics. Her dissertation was on Peter Abelard’s moral psychology in which she defended the thesis that Peter Abelard is not a proto-Kantian. Lily has presented original research at the American Academy of Religion’s annual conference, The New College Conference for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture, and numerous other academic conferences. She maintains an interest in history of medieval philosophy but has also begun developing several ideas in applied virtue ethics, particularly in healthcare and medicine. She has two forthcoming publications on the concept of moral injury inspired by this budding interest. In addition, her teaching is focused on developing compelling curriculum in the “medical humanities.”

Benjamin Mitchell-Yellen
Ethics, philosophy of action, racism, and death and dying
Mithcell is the Director of Academic Initiatives & Strategy and Associate Professor of Philosophy at Sam Houston State University. Before coming to SHSU, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at the University of California, Riverside. Before taking up my postdoc, he received my PhD (in Philosophy) from the University of California, Riverside, his MA (in Philosophy) from Boston College and BA (in Creative Writing & Literature) from the University of Michigan.

Ricky Mouser
Social and political philosophy, public philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy of games and sports
Ricky Mouser is a PhD Candidate at Indiana University studying moral progress in the context of AI and Bioethics, with a focus what makes some ways of expressing moral conflicts more illuminating or insightful than others. He also has interests in social and political philosophy, public philosophy, aesthetics, and philosophy of games and sports. This fall he’ll begin as a postdoc at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics.

Adam Zweber
Metaethics, philosophy of science, naturalism
Adam is a philosopher with a broad range of interests. In layman's terms, Adam likes to think about questions along the lines of "Does anything really matter if the world is just a bunch of atoms bouncing around in the void?" In non-layman's terms, the research focuses on metaethics and the philosophy of science, particularly metaethical naturalism.
Currently Adam teachs at UNC-Wilmington. Before that, Adam received a PhD from Stanford, an M.A. in philosophy from Western Michigan University and a B.A. in mathematics from Carleton College.