2024 GenCyber Summer Camp Recap

I2S hosted their annual GenCyber Camp for teachers July 22-26. The in-person camp hosted K-12 teachers from the Greater Kansas region, including but not limited to Lawrence, Topeka, the Kansas City metropolitan area, western Kansas, and the neighboring states. The main goals of the GenCyber camp are: (1) learning the GenCyber Cybersecurity Concepts and the First Principles; (2) developing cybersecurity activities for curriculum use in participants' schools; and (3) learning together as cybersecurity educators while establishing an ongoing collaborative effort to create lesson plans that will be available to other schools. Some of the features of this year’s camp included:
- Lectures by cybersecurity faculty in the KU EECS department
- Hands-on labs and programming experience with Raspberry and SenseHat
- Cybersecurity education panel and discussion sessions with academic, government, and industrial practitioners
- Curriculum and lesson plan design
- Online cybersecurity coin games for a fun learning experience
- Each participant received a 35-hour professional development certificate endorsed by the NSA and the NSF