OMIS Lab Director

Dr. Shima Fardad

Dr. Shima Fardad has a BS in Physics and MS and PhD in Photonics and is currently an Assistant Professor at the EECS department at the University of Kansas. With the Institute for Information Sciences at KU, she has established a photonics research lab named OMIS (Optical Microscopy, Imaging and Spectroscopy), where she studies light-matter interaction phenomena, spectroscopy and imaging techniques both for fundamental science and interdisciplinary applications extending to biotechnology and material science. She has developed a laser engineering lab course at the EECS department at KU where students build different laser systems and demonstrate their applications.

Optical Trapping OverviewOptical Trapping Nano

Optical Trapping Diagram

Optical Trapping

  • Optical trapping and manipulation of particles from 100 nanometers to 100 micron via engineered laser beams using SLM (spatial light modulator) for beam control both in space and time.

Light-sheet microscopy

Light-Sheet Microscopy

  • Light-sheet microscopy of trapped living biological samples

Light-matter interaction

Ligtht-Matter Interaction

  • Light-matter interaction for particle trapping, manipulation and developing novel soft-matter structures with time-varying optical properties.

Polarizability tuning

Nondiffracting needle formation

  • Formation of nondiffracting needle beams inside tunable soft-matter systems.

Anomalous Optical Forces

Anomalous Optical Forces

  • Anomalous optical forces due to unique light-matter interaction.

Research Assistants

Laurynas Lialys

PhD Candidate

Justinas Lialys

PhD Candidate
OMIS students 1
OMIS Students 2