Patrick McCormick

- Assistant Professor, EECS
- Assistant Scientist
Contact Info
2335 Irving Hill Rd
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Patrick McCormick is a split Assistant Professor / Assistant Scientist with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) department and the Institute for Information Sciences (I2S) at the University of Kansas. He began working at the university in the summer of 2021. He received the B.S. degree in mechanical engineering, the B.S. in electrical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kansas in 2008, 2013, and 2018, respectively. From 2018 to 2021, he served as a research electronics engineer with the Air Force Research Laboratory - Sensors Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. In 2018 he received the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society 2018 Robert T. Hill Best Dissertation Award for his work on radar emission design and optimization.
Dr. McCormick researches under I2S at the Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) where he researches all things RF systems and signal processing including optimal emission design, multifunction transmissions, hardware characterization and compensation, and adaptive model-based parameter estimation. Dr. McCormick has multiple refereed journal publications, conference papers, book chapters, and patents in the areas of radar waveform diversity and design, adaptive receive radar signal processing, and radar/communication spectrum sharing with a Google Scholar h-index of 16 and i10-index of 26. Has 3 patent applications on the topic of dual-function radar and communications co-design. His current research includes signal processing for low-cost systems, nonlinear hardware characterization, and waveform optimization for digital array systems. He is looking for highly motivated graduate students to join his laboratory. Interested students should email their resumes/CVs to
Education —
Teaching —
- F22: EECS 212 - Circuits II
- S22: EECS 800 - Special Topics: Radar Signal Processing
- F21: EECS 622 - Microwave and Radio Transmission Systems
- Conference Tutorial: Efficient Spectral Access for Radar and Communications - IEEE Radar Conference (2021, 2022), in collaboration with Drs. Justin Metcalf (OU) and Cenk Sahin (AFRL)
- Radar Summer School Lecturer - Radar Waveforms - 2019 IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA
Selected Publications —
Book Chapters
- E.S. Perrins, S.D. Blunt, P.M. McCormick, and B. Ravenscroft, “Spectrally Efficient Communications & Radar,” in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, S.D. Blunt and E.S. Perrins, eds. IET, 2018.
- T. Webster, P.M. McCormick, and T. Higgins, “Space-time Transmit Nulling for RF Spectrum Interoperability,” in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, S.D. Blunt and E.S. Perrins, eds. IET, 2018.
- C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, and B. Ravenscroft, “Embedding Communications into Radar Emissions by Transmit Waveform Diversity,” in Radar & Communication Spectrum Sharing, S.D. Blunt and E.S. Perrins, eds. IET, 2018.
- S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, P.M. McCormick, P.S. Tan, and J.G. Metcalf, “Chapter 1: Holistic Radar Waveform Diversity,” in Academic Press Library in Signal Processing Volume 7: Array, Radar and Communications Engineering, R. Chellappa and S. Theodoridis, eds. Elsevier, 2017.
Journal Articles
- N. Colon-Diaz, D. Janning, P.M. McCormick, J.T. Aberle, and D.W. Bliss, “Analysis of Mutual Coupling Effects on a Co-located MIMO Radar System in Transmit Mode with LFM, Binary Phase Coded, TDMA, and DDMA Arbitrary Waveforms,” submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.
- C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, C.A. Topliff, S.D. Blunt, and J.M. Baden, “Gradient-Based Optimization of PCFM Radar Waveforms,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 935–956, Apr. 2021.
- C.C. Jones, C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, “Complementary FM Radar Waveforms and Optimized Receive Processing,” IET Radar, Sonar, & Navigation, Apr. 2021.
- S.D. Blunt, J.K. Jakabosky, C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, J.W. Owen, B. Ravenscroft, C. Sahin, G.D. Zook, C.C. Jones, J.G. Metcalf, and T. Higgins, “Principles and Applications of Random FM Radar Waveform Design,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 20–28, 2020.
- P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Wideband MIMO Frequency Modulated Emission Design with Space-Frequency Nulling,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 363–378, Mar. 2017.
- J. Jakabosky, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, “Implementation & Design of Physical Radar Waveform Diversity,” IEEE Aerospace and Electronics Systems Magazine, vol. 31, no. 12, pp. 26–33, Dec. 2016.
- P.M. McCormick, T. Higgins, S.D. Blunt, and M. Rangaswamy, “Adaptive Receive Processing of Spatially Modulated Physical Radar Emissions,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 1415–1426, Dec. 2015.
- S.D. Blunt, P.M. McCormick, T. Higgins, and M. Rangaswamy, “Physical Emission of Spatially-Modulated Radar,” IET Radar, Sonar, & Navigation, vol. 8, no. 9, pp. 1234–1246, 2014.
Selected Presentations —
- P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Physical Waveform Optimization for Multiple-Beam Multifunction Digital Arrays,” 2019, U.S. Patent Application #62/928,307, filed on Oct. 30, 2019.
- C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, J.G. Metcalf, J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, and E.S. Perrins, “A Continuous-Phase Modulation Based Power-Efficient Tunable Joint Radar/Communications System,” 2019, US Patent Application #62/903,615, filed on Sept. 20, 2019.
- G.B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, and J.G. Metcalf, “Power-Efficient Formulation of Tandem-Hopped Radar & Communications,” 2019, U.S. Patent Application #62/737,074, filed on Sept. 26, 2018.
Conference Papers
- P.M. McCormick, “Spatially Diverse Dual-Function Radar-Communications with Reduced Self-Interference,” IEEE Radar Conference. New York, NY, 21 – 25 Mar. 2022.
- J.G. Metcalf, C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, “Impact of Adjacent/Overlapping Communication Waveform Design within a Radar Spectrum Sharing Context,” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Washington D.C., 27 – 30 Apr. 2020.
- J.G. Metcalf, S. Flandermeyer, C.A. Mohr, A. Kordik, P.M. McCormick, and C. Sahin, “Characterizing the Impact of IQ Imbalance and DC Bias on Pulse-Agile Radar Processing,” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Washington D.C., 27 – 30 Apr. 2020.
- B. Ravenscoft, P.M. McCormick, S. Blunt, E.S. Perrins, C. Sahin, and J.G. Metcalf, “Experimental Assessment of Tandem-Hopped Radar and Communications (THoRaCs),” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Toulon, France, 23 – 27 Sept. 2019.
- C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Optimized Stretch Processing Compensation for FMCW Phase-Attached Radar-Communication,” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Toulon, France, 23 – 27 Sept. 2019.
- N. Colon-Diaz, P.M. McCormick, D. Janning, and D.W. Bliss, “Compensation of Mutual Coupling Effects for Co-located MIMO Radar Applications via Waveform Design,” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Toulon, France, 23 – 27 Sept. 2019.
- A.M. Jones and P.M. McCormick, “Spectral Notching via Error Reduction Algorithm with Relaxed PAPR Constraint,” IEEE Radar Conference. Boston, MA, 22 – 26 Apr. 2019.
- C. Sahin, P.M. McCormick, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, “Power-Efficient Multi-Beam Phase-Attached Radar/Communications,” IEEE Radar Conference. Boston, MA, 22 – 26 Apr. 2019.
- P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, “FMCW Implementation of Phase-Attached Radar/Communications,” IEEE Radar Conference. Boston, MA, 22 – 26 Apr. 2019,(INVITED).
- P.M. McCormick, C. Sahin, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Physical Waveform Optimization for Multiple-Beam Multifunction Digital Arrays,” The Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. Pacific Grove, CA, 28 – 31 Oct. 2018, (INVITED).
- P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, “Shared-Spectrum Multistatic Radar: Experimental Demonstration using FM Waveforms,” The IEEE International Conference on Radar. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, “Optimized Complementary Waveform Subsets within an FM Noise Radar CPI,” IEEE Radar Conference.Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- C.A. Mohr, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and C. Mott, “Spectrally-Efficient FM Noise Radar Waveforms Optimized in the Logarithmic Domain,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- G. Zook, P.M. McCormick, and S.D. Blunt, “Fixational Eye Movement Radar: Random Spatial Modulation,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- J. Owen, S.D. Blunt, K. Gallagher, P.M. McCormick, C. Allen, and K. Sherbondy, “Nonlinear Radar via Intermodulation of FM Noise Waveform Pairs,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- L. Harnett, D. Hemmingsen, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, A. Martone, K. Sherbondy, and D. Wikner, “Optimal and Adaptive Mismatch Filtering for Stretch Processing,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, E. Perrins, and J.G. Metcalf, “A Power-Efficient Formulation of Tandem-Hopped Radar & Communications,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018, (INVITED).
- D.M. Hemmingsen, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, A. Martone, K. Sherbondy, and D. Wikner, “Waveform-Diverse Stretch Processing,” IEEE Radar Conference. Oklahoma City, OK, 23 – 27 Apr. 2018.
- G. Zook, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, and J. Jakabosky, “Dual-Polarized FM Noise Radar,” IET International Conference on Radar Systems. Belfast, UK, 23 – 26 Oct. 2017.
- P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, “Gradient-Based Coded-FM Waveform Design using Legendre Polynomials,” IET International Conference on Radar Systems. Belfast, UK, 23 – 26 Oct. 2017.
- P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Simultaneous Radar and CommunicationsEmission from a Common Aperture, Part I: Theory,” IEEE Radar Conference. Seattle, WA, 8 –12 May 2017, (INVITED) {1st Place Student Paper Contest}.
- P.M. McCormick, A.J. Duly, B. Ravenscroft, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, “Simultaneous Radar and Communications Emission from a Common Aperture, Part II: Experimentation,” IEEE Radar Conference. Seattle, WA, 8 – 12 May 2017.
- P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, “Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient Optimization of Polyphase-Coded FM Radar Waveforms,” IEEE Radar Conference. Seattle, WA, 8 – 12 May 2017.
- B. Ravenscroft, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, J. Jakabosky, and J.G. Metcalf, “Tandem-Hopped OFDM Communications in Spectral Gaps of FM Noise Radar,” IEEE Radar Conference. Seattle, WA, 8 – 12 May 2017.
- C. Sahin, J. Jakabosky, P.M. McCormick, J.G. Metcalf, and S.D. Blunt, “A Novel Approach for Embedding Communication Symbols into Physical Radar Waveforms,” IEEE Radar Conference. Seattle, WA, 8 – 12 May 2017, (INVITED).
- A. Salandrino, P.M. McCormick, M.D. Balcazar, and S.D. Blunt, “Spatially Modulated Metamaterial Array for Transmit (SMMArT) and Slow-Leaky-Wave Antennas,” IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems & Technology. Waltham, MA, 18 – 21 Oct. 2016, (INVITED).
- P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, “A Gradient Descent Implementation of Adaptive Pulse Compression,” IEEE Radar Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2– 6 May 2016, {Third Place, Student Paper Contest}.
- P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Joint Spectrum/Beampattern Design of Wideband FM MIMO Radar Emissions,” IEEE Radar Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2– 6 May 2016, (INVITED).
- A. Salandrino, D.J.C. Farfan, P.M. McCormick, E.D. Symm, and S.D. Blunt, “Spatially Modulated Metamaterial Array for Transmit (SMMArT),” IEEE Radar Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2– 6 May 2016.
- L. Harnett, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and J.G. Metcalf, “Multi-Window Post-Doppler Dimensionality Reduction for Multi-Waveform STAP,” IEEE Radar Conference. Philadelphia, PA, 2– 6 May 2016.
- P.M. McCormick and S.D. Blunt, “Fast-time 2-D Spatial Modulation of Physical Radar Emissions,” International Radar Symposium. Dresden, Germany, 24 – 26 Jun. 2015, (INVITED).
- P.M. McCormick, J. Jakabosky, S.D. Blunt, C. Allen, and B. Himed, “Joint Polarization/Waveform Design and Adaptive Receive Processing,” IEEE Radar Conference. Washington D.C., 11 – 15 May 2015, (INVITED).
- D. Henke, P.M. McCormick, S.D. Blunt, and T. Higgins, “Practical Aspects of Optimal Mismatch Filtering and Adaptive Pulse Compression for FM Waveforms,” IEEE Radar Conference. Washington D.C., 11 – 15 May 2015.
- T. Webster, T. Higgins, A.K. Shackelford, J. Jakabosky, and P.M. McCormick, “Phase-only Adaptive Spatial Transmit Nulling,” IEEE Radar Conference. Washington D.C., 11 – 15 May 2015.
- S.D. Blunt, P.M. McCormick, T. Higgins, and M. Rangaswamy, “Spatially-Modulated Radar Waveforms Inspired by Fixational Eye Movement,” IEEE
Radar Conference. Cincinnati, OH, 19 – 23 May 2014.
- P.M. McCormick, “Design and Optimization of Physical Waveform Diverse and Spatially Diverse Radar Emissions,” Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA, 2018, retrieved from [Link to Dissertation].
Service —
- Publicity Co-chair - 2023 IEEE Radar Conference, San Antonio, TX
- Special Session Organizer - Efficient Spectral Access for Radar and Communications - 2022 IEEE Radar Conference, New York, NY
- Track Chair - Spectrum Sharing - 2020 IEEE International Radar Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Track Chair - Spectrum Sharing - 2019 IEEE Radar Conference, Boston, MA
- Technical Review Commitee - IEEE Radar Conference (2019, 2022), IEEE International Radar Conference (2020)
- Reviewer for following journals:
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine
- IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
- Elsevier Digital Signal Processing
Memberships —
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Member (2012-Present)
- IEEE Signal Processing Society - Member (2012 - Present)
- IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society - Member (2015 - Present)
- IEEE Young Professionals - Member (2013 - Present)